Contribution of Moroccan emigrants from Europe to the national economy via transfers in foreign exchange and non-structured trade: Case of Agadir and Tiznit

Abdeslam Ouarhi


This paper studies the impact of financial transfers and "unstructured trade flows" of Moroccan emigrants on their outgoing territories. The analysis is based on a statistical approach using a field survey. It was administered for Agadir and Tiznit, the two big cities of Souss. Our results measure the contribution of migratory financial flows to the national economy as a whole. They show, on the one hand, that the unstructured trade originates essentially from the importation of foreign objects of recovery or foreign second-hand goods. On the other hand, they highlight the capacity of the Moroccan emigrants from Europe, originating from the two cities mentioned, to make a double financial and commercial contribution to the indigenous economy, in view of a dynamic of development Both globally and locally.

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