Attributive Words Used in Tourism Online News

Lisetyo Ariyanti


This research has presented the use of attributive words in tourism online news in Indonesia that as The research questions are what are the attributive words used in Tourism Media Online and how do attributive words contribute to Tourism Media Online? The attributive words were analyzed based on the theory from Huddleston & Pullum (2005), Huddleston (1984), and Yule (2014); while the attributive functions were based on Kullenberg (2016). The research method was qualitative method since the data was analyzed in the words and sentences form, and the results were elaborated based on the form of words and sentences. The results show that there are three forms of attributive words, they are attributive adjectives, attributive nouns, and attributive verbs. Those three attributive forms are contributed by four attributive functions, they are classifiers, identifiers, descriptors, and stipulators. Each function has different forms that specify the conceptual and communicative purpose. The interesting result has found that there are two specific cases, they are a syntactical case of compound attributive words and a stipulator function marker. The syntactical case is found in the attributive words that have sub-referential words and main referential words. The second finding is related to how the stipulators are complied with by one attributive function.


referential words, attributive words, attributive functions Tourism media online,

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